Summary: Anil’s Red Cycle
This story is about a surprise that Anil gets on his birthday. He finds his grandparents and parents
downstairs when he gets up in the morning. His grandparents have a surprise for him. Father points to
the window. The story mentions how touched, excited and happy Anil feels when he sees the red cycle.
He hugs his grandparents and thanks them for the wonderful surprise. In the evening, after Anil gets
back from school, he takes out his cycle and rides it down the road towards Trisha’s house. Trisha is
Anil’s friend. She is excited to see him and joins him on her own cycle. They spend the rest of the
evening riding their cycles up and down the road.
Embedded Questions 1
gift hugs
Embedded Questions 2
Trisha is Anil’s friend.
Anil and Trisha cycle down the road after school every day.
A. 1. Grandfather and grandmother. 2. A red cycle 3. Loud 4. Thank you very much.
B. 1. Anil’s cycle is red in colour. It also has a pink flag.
2. Anil rode his cycle in the evening after school.
C. 1. Anil rode his bicycle in the evening because he was in school in the morning.
2. Yes, Anil loves his grandparents. Two things: happy to see them, thanks them for the gift
A. 2. shirt 3. Rishi and Vani 4. Ali 5. Ramita
B. 2. Tara is not a dancer. She is a singer.
3. Manish and Keya are flying kites. They are very happy.
4. I love to visit the zoo. It is very clean.
5. Jaya’s sister is playing with a doll. It has a red and white dress.
2. lorry 3. bus 4. auto-rickshaw 5. scooter 6. car
Suggested answer:
1. Answers vary: Thank you, Devika.
2. Answers vary: Thank you, Ma / Thank you, Pappa.
Answers vary.
A. Answer in brief.
1. What does Anil see when he goes to the window? Who gave it to him?
Ans: When Anil goes to the window, he sees a red cycle with a pink flag. It is his birthday gift from
his grandfather and grandmother.
2. Who waves to him and what do they do together?
Ans: Trisha, his friend waves to him from her window. He shows her his new cycle and they ride
their cycles every day and have fun together.
3. What does Anil love about his cycle?
Ans: Anil loves the bell on his cycle, which is loud and makes the sound -KRRING-KRRING.
B. Read the lines and answer the questions.
1. “We have something for you!” (Anil’s Red Cycle)
a. Who says this to Anil?
b. What did they have for him?
c. Does he like the gift?
Ans: a. His grandparents say this to Anil.
b. They have a red cycle with a pink flag, for him.
c. Yes, he loves the gift.
2. “Look, Trisha! This is my new cycle!”
a. Who says this to Trisha?
b. What does she think about it?
c. What do they do every day?
Ans: a. Anil says this to Trisha.
b. She thinks that it is very pretty.
c. They ride their cycles every day and have a lot of fun.
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