Summary: Tale of a Stick
This play has a lot of rhyming words that can of interest to children.
The story begins with the very unusual character of a stick trying to look for someone who needs it. As
Stick walks along the road making click, clack and clunk sounds, it meets Toad and Cat that do not have
any need for him. Next, he meets Hen who starts pecking at Stick. Stick manages to escape from Hen.
After some time, he meets Farmer Brown who beats his cow, hurting the poor animal. Stick dislikes
being so cruel and hops out of Farmer Brown’s hand and runs away. Soon, Stick comes across an old
lady who is very happy to get the stick as he helps her to walk. Stick is too is glad to stay with the old
lady as he feels needed and wanted for a good purpose.
Embedded Questions 1
Stick runs away from Toad and Cat because they did not need him.
Hen pecks at Stick with her beak.
Embedded Questions 2
Farmer Brown needs Stick to beat Cow.
Embedded Questions 3
Stick does not want to be used to hurt another animal.
Warm Up
match-stick drum-stick walking stick broom-stick
A. 1. NT 2. T 3. T 4. NT 5. T
B. 1. click, clack, clunk
2. Stick ran away from Hen because Hen started to peck him with her beak.
3. Farmer Brown was going home with his cow when Stick met him.
4. The old woman was bent over and was wearing a grey scarf.
C. Suggested answer: Yes, the old woman was very happy. She was happy because Stick would help her
lean on him and let her walk easily.
D. Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I will help Garima with her sums. 2. I will help Mrs Dubey clean the garden.
3. I will help my mother and father lay the table.
A. 2. drink 3. climb 4. fly 5. sleep 6. sing
B. 2. sing, sings 3. jump, jumps 4. listen, listens 5. swim, swims
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. a 6. f
1. He is drawing a picture. 2. He uses crayons. 3. His tee-shirt is blue.
4. He uses green, blue, yellow and red. 5. He has ten crayons.
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